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Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 24 Out 2013, 23:41
por fmiglior
Nao. Nenhuma base tem altura. So posição (lat e log)
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 24 Out 2013, 23:56
por Crimson
Ah, OK!
Eu já vi bases de dados de POI com a altura, no caso para diferenciar radares de um viaduto e da rua q passa por baixo, por exemplo. Garmin era assim...
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 25 Out 2013, 05:21
por MarkRu
No, There is no heght of point.
Radars and dangers zones for our navteq maps have only this atributes:
- coordinates
- type
- direction
- speed
- measure type
- 2 text fields, road, city
type: Radar, Redlight camera, Dangerous zone.
direction: Angle where radar "look"
speed: Speed which radar fixed. For dangerous zone it is recomended speed for crossing.
measure type: miles or kilometers
text fields: is a free text information. i write identification code of point here and some description as
"mobile police", "railroad" ets.
If camera stand on bridge and look down at crossed road, its direction must be
perpendicular to bridge, so warning will be trueth.
Some notes:
If your speed less then writen in database, there will be onetime sound and icon on right-top display.
If your speed become higher, icon become splashed red - white.
There is two sound signals. When you entry in zone and when you leave it.
This behavior is put in the software, and I can't change it.
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 25 Out 2013, 13:07
por ronanspen
Vou pegar estrada nesse fim de semana (1300km ida/volta), uma pena não poder ir de "cobaia" com os radares na estrada! hehehe
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 25 Out 2013, 15:25
por Crimson
Mark, thank you for your answer
A few months ago I tried to convert speed cam databases to but I wasn't finding how, I'm used to other formats and this was considerably new, different… I tried to learn opening the files and checking what's inside of them… and I asked for help in GPS Underground forums, but people over there are not as friendly as they look…
I started to use Waze and that's what I'm using, I'm quite used to it now, it's fun to find friends nearby, "race" against them when we go somewhere…
Are you planning to document the work you did to make it work? I'm curious to see what you did (even if it's detailed, I would like to see just the big picture)
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 26 Out 2013, 11:19
por MarkRu
Hi Crimson!
There is minimum three big breaks on the way to make worked database.
- files are zipped. not hard, but not standart (LZW)
- files are indexed. (*_PE.LZW, *_PS.LZW, *DSC.LZW) if this files will not correct, then icons
will not displayed.
- THE BIGGEST stone : translating coordinates from geographic to map coordinates.
Some instruments to explorer files are here
To document work? It may be. When I will sell my Peugeot, or when I will lose interest to this work. :-)
Now work not finished yet. Database worked. You may use it. All correct.
But it is some small disadvantages.
Radars as another POI have to placed directly on the road, even if
really radar hangs at the corner of the house or costs in bushes.
Source coordinates of radars have good accuracy, you may test it with google map.
But our map has no corresponding accuracy.
You may see
google map, and find that maps roads don't coincide with the satellite view.
Our map have same mistakes. We don't see them, because "car arrow" automatically jump on road.
When I make database, I translate coordinates with accuracy less one meter,
but don't make correction to map. So some points don't lay directly on road.
It is not my mistake.
Now I explorer our map, investigate format files, described roads in high resolution.
When I will know all roads, I may move radars to one-two meters to place it directly on road.
Then quality still will increase.
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 27 Out 2013, 18:23
por M.A
Viagem longa a vista!
Dá pra testar...?
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 27 Out 2013, 18:41
Sim....pode instalar tranquila no aircross.
Só seguir o passo a passo do início do tópico.
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 28 Out 2013, 21:24
por THPmar
BICUDO escreveu:Sim....pode instalar tranquila no aircross.
Só seguir o passo a passo do início do tópico.
Onde eu encontro os arquivos e o script para efetuar a atualização ?
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 31 Out 2013, 18:21
por erick3.14
esperando ansiosamente o arquivo para download !
dando tudo ok, vou testar a portabilidade dele para o SMEG do 208.
Conseguindo por para funcionar tudo ok, vou compartilhar aqui para os possíveis interessados também !