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Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 04 Nov 2013, 17:43
por mimisiku
Hello MarkRu,
Good job, i made a french database (which works :) and with the right corner).
I use a french software : RTxMapeditor but i can use it for some country like martinique,...
To use it with European country, i use a Transversal mercator projection, with an offset.
But could you tell me which projection, and offset do you use for Brasil ? it could be help me to find the good coordinate for martinique.
And if it's possible too :)) , could you explain to me how to generate indexed files (in my case it's RTxmapeditor which genrate them)
- files are indexed. (*_PE.LZW, *_PS.LZW, *DSC.LZW) if this files will not correct, then icons
will not displayed.
- THE BIGGEST stone : translating coordinates from geographic to map coordinates.
Sorry for my english.
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 04 Nov 2013, 23:07
por rcaruzzo
Tava testando os alertas e descobri algo interessante. Aquele tempo de alerta que varia de 15 a 45 seg. se refere ao tempo de aviso e não ao intervalo do aviso. Ou seja, programando para 15 seg, ele emitirá o som de alerta 15 seg antes do radar. Mas emitirá o alerta apenas uma vez.
Cheguei a essa conclusão, pois coloquei para avisar em 45 seg, e percebi que o alerta era emitido antes do usual. Inclusive, estava em um semáforo parado e ele emitiu o sinal do radar que fica uns 600 metros a frente.
Ou seja, ele interpreta a velocidade do carro e a distância pro radar e calcula esse tempo.
Me parece bem interessante, pois ao contrário doq ocorre nos outros tipos de aviso, ele te da tempo para frear de acordo com a sua velocidade. Ou seja, num trânsito pesado, ele não irá te avisar muito antes, já que entenderá que você levará mais tempo para cruzar esse radar. O oposto também é verdadeiro.
Agora só resta tentar uma maneira dele avisar mais frequentemente quando estore acima da velocidade!
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 04 Nov 2013, 23:21
por erick3.14
mimisiku escreveu:Hello MarkRu,
Good job, i made a french database (which works :) and with the right corner).
I use a french software : RTxMapeditor but i can use it for some country like martinique,...
To use it with European country, i use a Transversal mercator projection, with an offset.
But could you tell me which projection, and offset do you use for Brasil ? it could be help me to find the good coordinate for martinique.
And if it's possible too :)) , could you explain to me how to generate indexed files (in my case it's RTxmapeditor which genrate them)
- files are indexed. (*_PE.LZW, *_PS.LZW, *DSC.LZW) if this files will not correct, then icons
will not displayed.
- THE BIGGEST stone : translating coordinates from geographic to map coordinates.
Sorry for my english.
Thanks for your help as well !
This french guy is helping me with the port from C4/RT6 to the SMEG/208. As soon as we have good progress I will share it here as well !
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 05 Nov 2013, 17:46
por mimisiku
Hello Erick,
I send you a message in the French website, you made a mistake in the file ZAR_POI.BIN.inf, it's not the good values for CONTINENT_ID and CONTINENT_NAME. it's written in the spy file :
Código: Selecionar todos
4214442172 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) << GetContinentID - >>
- (C_UPG_PLUGIN_Interface) GetAddrSymbol (42174 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) << CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised + >>
_ZN13C_BCM_UPGRADE19SetMediaContinentIDER9CMMString42176 - (C_UPG_PLUGIN_Interface) << GetInstalledContinent + >>
) return ERROR
42202 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised : Continents are not the same
42203 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised : continent on product = 4 != 1 on media
I correct your file, and generate a database for your SMEG, if you want to try it, you can go to the other website ;)
And for my question, nobody can help me with the Projection for Brasil ?
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 05 Nov 2013, 20:40
por erick3.14
mimisiku escreveu:Hello Erick,
I send you a message in the French website, you made a mistake in the file ZAR_POI.BIN.inf, it's not the good values for CONTINENT_ID and CONTINENT_NAME. it's written in the spy file :
Código: Selecionar todos
4214442172 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) << GetContinentID - >>
- (C_UPG_PLUGIN_Interface) GetAddrSymbol (42174 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) << CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised + >>
_ZN13C_BCM_UPGRADE19SetMediaContinentIDER9CMMString42176 - (C_UPG_PLUGIN_Interface) << GetInstalledContinent + >>
) return ERROR
42202 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised : Continents are not the same
42203 - (C_POI_UPG_PLUGIN) CheckIfContinentUpgradeIsAuthorised : continent on product = 4 != 1 on media
I correct your file, and generate a database for your SMEG, if you want to try it, you can go to the other website ;)
And for my question, nobody can help me with the Projection for Brasil ?
Thanks a lot !
Just installed and worked fine for SMEG.
Already shared in the other gps website/forum further details.
consegui instalar a base no SMEG do Peugeot 208. Vou testar amanhã e compartilho aqui.
Alguém aí sabe esses detalhes que o "mimisiku" perguntou ? Ele é gente boa e me ajudou com o transporte do RT6 para o SMEG do 208.
Ele quer entender como foi feito as coordenadas e projeção usada, pois ele está tentando criar para a região do país dele na Europa também, mas está com dificuldades.
Se puderem ajudar, com certeza será de grande valia.
Pode ser em português se for o caso, que compartilho com ele.
Valeu a todos por enquanto. Posto novidades em breve !
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 06 Nov 2013, 06:19
por MarkRu
mimisiku escreveu:...nobody can help me with the Projection for Brasil ?
Projection for Brasil (South America) is the same as for the Europe. Transverse Mercator.
Base meridian for South America is -62.0, for Europe 10.2
RadarViewer from Mira308 can read radar files and when you push "save" it will make index files too.
If you'll send me link to RT6 maps of Martinique (I need some information from some files),
and also file for IGO navigation with radars and dangerous zones, and I'll try to make
radar database for RT6.
Look my email in Personal message.
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 06 Nov 2013, 17:08
por mimisiku
Thanks for your help,
Projection for Brasil (South America) is the same as for the Europe. Transverse Mercator.
Base meridian for South America is -62.0, for Europe 10.2
Do you use a FE and FN as it used for europe ? because when i convert your coordinate to check .... i'm in the Ocean :o))), not in brazil :o)
Or could you explain me how to find the good projection (in MP if you don't want to give at all your secret ;o)) )
RadarViewer from Mira308 can read radar files and when you push "save" it will make index files too.
But with my script radarViewer.exe i didn't have "Save" .... :o( , maybe we don't have the same version ?
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 06 Nov 2013, 18:50
por mimisiku
For your questions, when you install the SMEG Database, SMEG "unzip" the file ZAR_POI.BIN,
so if you have 2 sub-databases in this file (RADAR* and DANGER*), you obtain 2 databases in the SMEG
If your database, contain only 1 sub-database (RADAR* or DANGER*), you obtain 1 databases in the SMEG.
As your choice, you can build on database with all speedcam, redlight.... or 2 databases (RADAR* and DANGER*) if you want to split it.
BUT !!! , note this for the SMEG, when you install RADAR* and DANGER* database, if you want to upgrade one database the other one is not erasing. It's not true with my RT6, upgrading one database RT6 = erase all databases.
Icone "!" is when speed = 0 KM/H
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 06 Nov 2013, 18:58
por mimisiku
Hello again,
I saw in your RT6 files, you use an icone "6" in RADAR.LZW (value 0xC0).
This icone doesn't exist in my french car with RT6 (firmware 2.70).
Re: Base de Radares Brasil para RT6 (EMyWay)
Enviado: 07 Nov 2013, 04:07
por MarkRu
mimisiku escreveu:Do you use a FE and FN as it used for europe ? because when i convert your coordinate to check .... i'm in the Ocean :o))), not in brazil :o)
Or could you explain me how to find the good projection (in MP if you don't want to give at all your secret ;o)) )
Yes, I use False Norting and False Easting. but this is linear dependence. You can make one mathematical action, addition or substruction to get it (from ocean) :-).
Janfi67 use values with 5(!) units after decimal point. It is not clever. Because of accuracy of our
map is one meter.
I use FE = -900000, FN = -6300000
mimisiku escreveu:
But with my script radarViewer.exe i didn't have "Save" .... :o( , maybe we don't have the same version ?
Yesterday I specially download RadarViewer
Our discussion on English is offtopic on this forum. I 'am sorry.